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10 Everyday Problems Solved with a Simple Cable Tie

10 Hacks You Need to Try

Cable ties operate as multifunctional objects because of their small dimensions, which enable a wide array of additional uses on top of organizational tasks. The use of cable ties serves cable organization needs expertly and conceals numerous unused applications that still exist for discovery.

1. Fixing Broken Zippers

Do not fret about a broken zip handle since cable ties have the solution. The circumnavigation of a single cable tie through the hole of an earlier handle establishes a successful remedy.

2. Organizing Keys

Users experience difficulties when using multiple keys because the keys tend to become disordered easily. Apply the wire tie to secure the items. The simple method enables organizations to protect keys from loss because it keeps all items in one specific area.

3. Securing Suitcases

The function of suitcase locking during travel remains essential, yet the resulting high price of locks demands attention. A cable tie should be used to close the zipper, which works successfully as a locking solution. 

4. Emergency Shoelaces

Cable ties serve as instant solutions for the repair of broken shoelaces. You should first pass the shoe cable tie through its eyelets before tightening it. The use of cable ties in this way, while not ideal long-term, provides a suitable alternative for shoe retention before acquiring new lace pairs, even if standard shoelaces have more flexibility.

5. Hanging Tools and Utensils

The disorganization of workspace tools and utensils continues to be a problem because employees never establish proper structure. The combination of wall hooks with cable ties presents an original solution for managing tool loops. 

6. Childproofing Cabinets

Holder calls and locks must be installed on cupboards because children show exploratory behaviors towards them. Cable ties function as a hassle-free locking system to secure drawers and cupboards through handle binding with the aim of safeguarding children from touching hazardous objects.

7. Supporting Plants

The public gardening community finds cable ties useful to connect their fragile plant framework with stakes and trellises. The use of cable ties in this context provides stability for plants so they remain unharmed even under heavy seasonal frosts and strong wind conditions.

8. Temporary Curtain Tiebacks

Your solution requires you to keep your curtains open for this purpose. When used as a temporary holding device through its small cable design, one can achieve brief tieback efficiency. You can generate supplemental indoor illumination using cable ties, as they provide straightforward light adjustment capabilities that avoid constructing fixed structural changes.

9. Repairing Bicycles and Cars

Cable ties serve as effective temporary securing tools that stabilize short-term components during maintenance periods before professional repairs are performed. 

10. DIY Book Binding

The usage of cable ties blocks notebook pages from falling by creating automatic book bindings. The construction of a sturdy structure becomes possible through hole marking sheets numerous times before cable passage through the holes for tight closures.


Cable ties serve more benefits than wire organization and will become apparent after careful observation. Cable ties serve multiple practical purposes, fixing zippers and securing luggage, along with aiding plants and waiting for more applications to address various life problems. These diverse uses highlight the broad use of cable ties.

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